5 KVM nodes with 3 Front-end nodes and ssh

Hello folks

I am following the opennebula 6.2 kvm installation guide on Debian Buster and am running into some issues.
The front-end nodes have a full oneadmin account with ssh credentials/keys.
The installation of the kvm nodes using apt-get -y install opennebula-node-kvm also give a oneadmin account but the .ssh directory is not created, no keys in /var/lib/one/.ssh
It seems the installation guide is incomplete, since oneadmin@kvmnode~:# ssh front-end does not have a key, so a password is required.

How do i go about that?

Thank you

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You must be missed the installation guide. Details about configuring Passwordless SSH can be followed in this link configure passwordless SSH.

Also take a look at how to populate SSH keys

Please make sure about this can established:

  • from Front-end to Front-end,
  • from Front-end to hypervisor Node,
  • from Front-end to hypervisor Node with another connection within to another Node (for migration operations),
  • from Front-end to hypervisor Node with another connection within back to Front-end (for data copy back).

H Suryapambagya

Thank you for your response @Harry_Suryapambagya
I have done things differently, result is the same though.


Great, glad to hear that.


For the interested
I handled things this way:

  • KVM node installation comes without ssh-key for user oneadmin.
    On first node i created ssh credentials for oneadmin
  • All front-end nodes come with different ssh credentials for oneadmin
  • Added public key of oneadmin on first front-end node to first KVM node’s authorized_keys file
  • Added public key of oneadmin on first KVM node to first front-end node’s authorized_keys file
  • copied .ssh of first KVM node to all othe KVM nodes
  • copied .ssh of first front-end to all other front-end nodes
  • tested

works as intended

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