After deleting a VM, all bridges are removed


Today I have updated my server from 5.10.1 to (passing from 5.10.1 to and, then, from to

It seems all is running fine… but not. All not. I have noticed that after creating a VM and, then, deleting, all my bridges are removed.

Information logged at /var/log/one/oned.log:

Mon Jul 26 19:14:37 2021 [Z0][VMM][I]: Successfully execute virtualization driver operation: cancel.
Mon Jul 26 19:14:43 2021 [Z0][VMM][I]: clean: Executed “sudo -n ip link delete br1”.
Mon Jul 26 19:14:43 2021 [Z0][VMM][I]: clean: Executed “sudo -n ip link delete br2”.
Mon Jul 26 19:14:43 2021 [Z0][VMM][I]: clean: Executed “sudo -n ip link delete br3”.
Mon Jul 26 19:14:43 2021 [Z0][VMM][I]: ExitCode: 0

I have found at /var/lib/one/remotes/etc/vnm/OpenNebulaNetwork.conf that I can set :keep_empty_bridge: false to true… but problem remains (I have restarted opennebula service).
Also, I have reconfigured /var/lib/one/remotes/etc/vnm/OpenNebulaNetwork.conf setting that parameter with “delete” (explained at the top of the file), but now when I delete the last VM bridged to my bridge, this bridge is deleted, but if I instantiate a new VM, bridge is recreated OK… but it has lost its IP address… so… how can I avoid the bridge deleting process???

What can I do??? In 5.10.1 all ran fine…


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The VNM drivers are executed on the hosts so most probably you are not syncing the hosts after the reconfiguration?

You could try setting :keep_empty_bridge: false and update the hosts with su - oneadmin -c 'onehost sync --force'.

Best Regards,
Anton Todorov

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finally, I found that there are two files OpenNebulaNetwork.conf:


I had modified to true one of them… so, now, after modifying both files, bridge is kept after deleting last VM.


The master file /var/lib/one/remotes/etc/vnm/OpenNebulaNetwork.conf is propagated to the hosts by opennebula when you sync the hosts :slight_smile:

It is a good habit to sync the hosts after altering the files in /var/lib/one/remotes :wink:

Best Regards,