Aliases IP behind Vrouter

Hi everyone,

I build my opennebula for internal usage.
I have been use other cloud technology, it having EIP function.
With opennebula i see Alias IP look for same of EIP. But when i deploy follow Virtual Network Functions (VNF) and Virtual Router β€” OpenNebula 6.6.1 documentation but Alias external not work.
VM can ping and resolve DNS via vRouter, but when attach Alias IP, that IP not work.

Thannk all.

Problem resolved. Thanks.

But how did you resolve the problem??? Please tell us



  • Public: Bridge mode , donot select IP spoofing and Mac spoofing
  • Private: Use VLAN mode (don’t user VXLAN).
  • Enable SDNAT4 with eth0 eth1 (if only 1 private network, if 2 private network eth0 eth1 eth2)

That all.

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