Disk snapshot not found in the FireEdge 6.8 interface

Hello Opennebula Teams,
Unable to find the Disk snapshot button on the FireEdge 6.8 interface despite configuring snapshot_disk_create: true in the vm-tab.yaml file (which is the default). How I can show this button?

Versions of the related components and OS (frontend, hypervisors, VMs): Opennebula 6.8

Current results: can’t create disk snapshot on Fireedge

Expected results: can create disk snapshot (rename, revert,…) on Fireedge

The snapshot button is dynamically being rendered to only show when snapshots are actually being supported. Have you tried verifying if the snapshot functionality is available through the Sunstone interface for the same VM in question?

The functions are operating normally in Sunstone.
Thanks you,


Thank you for reporting this, a new issue has been opened so you can track the progress of it here.
In the meantime, in order to re-enable the snapshot buttons you need to modify the vm-tab.yaml config file(s) and change the following values from:

      snapshot_disk_create: true
      snapshot_disk_rename: true
      snapshot_disk_revert: true
      snapshot_disk_delete: true


      disk-snapshot-create: true
      disk-snapshot-rename: true
      disk-snapshot-revert: true
      disk-snapshot-delete: true

This should enable the disk snapshot buttons again.

Best regards,