Hi all,
I have a doubt about pausing VMs, according to the documentation and as far I understand, when a VM is paused with “undeploy” or “stop” commands, the Virtual Machine disks are transferred back to the system datastore.
Therefore, I understand if I pause a VM with the “stop” command and then I delete it with the “delete” command, last changes on the VM should have been saved on the ON repository for this image, is that right or am I understand it wrong?
In case I understand it right, when I pause a VM with the “stop” command, I don’t see any change on the image saved on the ON repository:
onevm list
[ … ]
600 testesfreire testing-esfreire testing_beta_issue_secondPHASE stop 0 0K 0d 00h18
[oneadmin@opennebula4 ~]$ ll /var/lib/one//datastores/104/fb44769056854de151a540ae2cccf1b1
-rw-r–r-- 1 oneadmin oneadmin 2385117184 Jun 25 12:28 /var/lib/one//datastores/104/fb44769056854de151a540ae2cccf1b1
Thanks in advance,