Filtering by multiple values in single column

I wonder if there is any way to filter the output of such commands like onevm, onehost, etc by specifying multiple values for the same column?
For example something like

onehost list -f CLUSTER=cluster1,CLUSTER=cluster2,CLUSTER=cluster3

The command as in the example above doesn’t work for me in ONE 5.4.10.

I also would like to find an answer to this.

Using 5.12.x and I don’t see a way to do this. Trying to find all vms in prolog, migr, epil and save state

# does not work
sudo -u oneadmin onevm list --filter STAT=poff,STAT=susp
# does not work
sudo -u oneadmin onevm list --filter STAT=poff --filter STAT=susp
# does not work
sudo -u oneadmin onevm list --filter STAT='poff|susp'