Hello World!
I am working on integrating Opendaylight(odl) controller with OpenNebula, I ve been looking for labs or tutorials explaining so, but haven’t really find many, I so far deployed OpenNebula on my server, and installed Opendaylight on an ubuntu virtual machine, but still not sure if what I am doing is right nor how to configure ovswitch to link the whole thing with other user virtual machines,
I am hoping if you guys can provide me with some documentation about this, I mostly find the ones integrating openstack with odl, could yall please help,
Thank you very much!
It is a really interesting work you are doing, congrats. Unfortunately, there is not much documentation I can suggest, because this hasn’t been tried before. OpenNebula supports several NFV functions, but there is not much work on SDN. As you corrected noticed, if OVS are used, then you have native support for SDN and OpenDaylight can be used to manage them. You could use a VM to manage them or perhaps create an OpenNebula addon and manage everything directly from OpenNebula. If you need more help I would gladly help you with this. I can send you my email via private message.
Thank you very much for your response,
I would be delighted if you could please send me your email, as I have many questions to ask O:)
As I understood from my googling, there was a project called OpenDove under Opendaylight that would enable the use of OVS, but the project is no longer supported in the last updates
should I start from there or maybe a VM to manage them, as you referred, would be more practical?
Thank you,
OVS has native support for OpenFlow (1.1 and 1.2 at the moment if I’m not wrong) so I’m not sure about the need for OpenDove anyway. I think OpenDaylight directly controlling OVS through OpenFlow would be a good start point, and there must be plenty (or some at least) documentation about this.
is the Beacon project helpful ?