Method to check the Opennebula version from a command/API

Hi there,

what would be the best way to get programatically (through some command/API operation/file) which version of opennebula is running in one host, database schema version, etc.?

For the db schema, I know I can check the local_db_versioning table.

mysql> select * from local_db_versioning;
| oid | version | timestamp  | comment                            | is_slave |
|   0 | 5.4.1   | 1534504747 | OpenNebula 5.4.15 daemon bootstrap |        0 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

But I’m not sure about the platform itself…

oned -v???

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‘oned -v’ doesn’t work for me against remote clouds i.e. the command like below

ONE_DISABLE_SSL_VERIFY=true oned -v --endpoint --user some-remote-user --password ********

Instead the command prints the local version of opennebula the user tries to reach remote cloud from.

The version of local OpenNebula is 5.8.1.