New OpenNebula XML-RPC python bindings release


I have developed pyone (github), an alternative XML-RPC bindings for Python.

The main goals of this library is completeness and maintainability.

Proxies and generators have been used whenever possible to minimize the impact of API updates, ensuring that the distributed xsd files are the only update required when new API versions are released.

This library is meant to be used together with OpenNebula API documentation:

The XML-RPC API must be used to know which calls to make.

Code looks like:

one = pyone.OneServer("http://one/RPC2", session="oneadmin:onepass" )
hostpool =
host = hostpool.HOST[0]
id = host.ID,  {"LABELS": "HD"}, 1)

I am planing to use this library to build ansible plugins for managing OpenNebula.