I have freshly installed opennebula + mysql. but oned wont start. it fails with:
oned failed to start /usr/bin/one: line 117: 3572 Terminated $ONE_SCHEDULER
and in logfile:
[ONE][E]: Password file /var/lib/one//.one/sunstone_auth already exists but OpenNebula is boostraping the database. Check your database configuration in oned.conf.
my database conf in oned.conf is correct:
DB = [
backend = "mysql",
server = "localhost",
port = 0,
user = "opennebula",
passwd = "opennebula",
db_name = "opennebula"
I have tested these credentials and they are working.
any ideas? im running ubuntu 14.04.2 and latest opennebula 4.12