Opennebula NoVNC & non-us keyboard layout support

I thought that:

  • unzipping the version inside /usr/lib/one/sunstone/public/bower_components
  • and restarting the opennebula services
  • and setting or unsetting the “keymap=fr” settings from the template
    would be enough
    But using that patched noVNC release or the one shipped with opennebula 4.12.x made no difference

So i thought that as i’m a noob on javascript stuff, i must’ve been doing something wrong

i’m glad you got lucky with “de” layout :smiley:
I wish i could say the same with the french layout cause right now, the noVNC console is pretty much unusable when you need to type non-alphanumeric char…and as there’s no floating public ip support in opennebula, VM remote access seems impossible without some kind of vpn :frowning:
