[SOLVED] 5.4.1 - Sunstone users view memory value field too small


starting with 5.4.1 the memory value field only shows one character (for example the value is 512 MB but only 5 MB is shown / see screenshots below) . When focusing this field and navigating with arrow keys to the right the other values are actually there one by one.

Versions of the related components and OS (frontend, hypervisors, VMs):
5.4.1 / OpenCloud / CentOS 7.4

Steps to reproduce:
Template definition like this:

Current results:
Sunstone View while deploying VM:

Expected results:
The width of the value field should show the whole value.

edit: Marked as solved in 5.4.2

Hello @uli,

This issue is open here https://dev.opennebula.org/issues/5387 .

Thanks for the report.


I see. Thanks for pointing me there.