Sort by "Used CPU" or "Used Memory" in VMs view list


I’m running OpenNebula 5.10.1. I would like to know if it would be possible to add the “feature” to allow sorting by “Used CPU” or/and “Used Memory” in VMs list.



Sunstone lets you sort by clicking on the table headers. Now, you need to add the CPU column in the relevant view in /etc/one/sunston-views, you’ll see something like

            - 0       # Checkbox                                                
            - 1       # ID                                                      
            - 2       # Name                                                    
            - 3       # Owner                                                   
            - 4       # Group                                                   
            - 5       # Status                                                  
            #- 6      # Used CPU                                                
            #- 7      # Used Memory                                             
            - 8       # Host                                                    
            - 9       # IPs                                                     
            #- 10     # Start Time                                              
            - 11      # VNC                                                     
            #- 12     # Hidden Template                                         
            #- 13     # Labels                                                  
            #- 14     # Search data  

On the CLI we usually relay on --csv, --filter and pipe to sort.

At the API level this is a bit more difficult as the CPU values are in the VM documents…


I had already enabled that columns, as you can see in attached picture, but I can’t sort by them clicking on theirs headers. I can only sort by ID, Name, Owner, Group, Status and IPs, but not by UsedCPU or Used Memory.

My system runs OpenNebula 5.10.1


Screenshot_2020-10-23 OpenNebula Sunstone Cloud Operations Center|690x77