Sunstone error creating new Virt Network ovs-switch VXLAN auto VLAN & auto Outer ID

HI, I’m been using minione for an evaluation of our required use-case for the last month or so. Its going very well. Nice product! I’ve hit an issue that I believe is a regression/bug in the new Sunstone Web front-end (port 2616). Is this the best place to report bugs?

I’m using release v6.10.0

I attended the live Operations train sessions today and learned the original front-end is running on port 9869 & w/minione its on 80.

This was useful to determine the following is working on previous Web UI and via the CLI, but not on latest WebUI.

Create a new virtual network for open-vswitch VXLAN and attempt to configure both “Automatic VLAN ID” and “Automatic Outer VLAN ID” it will give the following error at the Web UI:

[] OUTER_VLAN_ID (or AUTOMATIC) is mandatory for driver ovswitch_vxlan

I can not find any way to configure Auto for both without getting this error.
If you give a fixed value for 1 or the other setting, then it works with Auto on the other. However now there is a fixed value and I’d rather let the system manage both values.

It works fine doing the same setting on older port 80 Web UI. Auto/Auto for both.
Or workaround using the CLI as:

oneadmin@opennebular-1:~$ onevnet create ./vxlan.conf --cluster onprem-cluster-laas-1a
ID: 22
oneadmin@opennebular-1:~$ cat  ./vxlan.conf
NAME    = "laas-datalink-vxlan"
VN_MAD  = "vxlan"
PHYDEV  = "enp94s0f1"

Also I increased to debug level 5 on /etc/one/oned.conf & fireedge.conf.
Increased truncate_max_length: 1000 on fireedge to see full log lines.

Using the new WebUI front-end (port 2616) I see the following logs:

Wed Nov 13 19:17:04 2024 [Z0][ReM][D]: Req:3456 UID:0 IP: invoked , "<ROOT><AR><TYPE>IP4<...", -1
Wed Nov 13 19:17:04 2024 [Z0][VNM][E]: OUTER_VLAN_ID (or AUTOMATIC) is mandatory for driver ovswitch_vxlan
Wed Nov 13 19:17:04 2024 [Z0][ReM][E]: Req:3456 UID:0 result FAILURE [] OUTER_VLAN_ID (or AUTOMATIC) is mandatory
 for driver ovswitch_vxlan

oneadmin@opennebular-1:/var/log/one$ tail -f fireedge.log
[2024-11-13T19:07:08.777Z] - [info] worker:, [0]: {"CLUSTER_POOL":{"CLUSTER":[{"ID":"117","NAME":"onprem-cluster-laas-1a","HOSTS":{"ID":["19","20"]},"DATASTORES":{"ID":["1","2","126","132","133"]},"VNETS":{"ID":["18","22"]},"TEMPLATE":{"DESCRIPTION":"On-Premise edge cluster","NAME":"onprem-cluster-laas-1a","PROVISION":{"PROVIDER_NAME":"onprem-laas"},"RESERVED_CPU":"0","RESERVED_MEM":"0"}},{"ID":"0","NAME":"default","HOSTS":"","DATASTORES":{"ID":["0","1","2"]},"VNETS":"","TEMPLATE":{"RESERVED_CPU":"","RESERVED_MEM":""}}]}}
[2024-11-13T19:07:13.018Z] - [info] worker: vn.allocate, [<ROOT><AR><TYPE>IP4</TYPE><IP></IP><SIZE>50</SIZE><NAME>AR0</NAME></AR><NAME>dfas</NAME><CLUSTER>117</CLUSTER><VN_MAD>ovswitch_vxlan</VN_MAD><PHYDEV>enp94s0f1</PHYDEV><AUTOMATIC_VLAN_ID>true</AUTOMATIC_VLAN_ID><AUTOMATIC_OUTER_VLAN_ID>true</AUTOMATIC_OUTER_VLAN_ID></ROOT>,-1]: "[] OUTER_VLAN_ID (or AUTOMATIC) is mandatory for driver ovswitch_vxlan"
[2024-11-13T19:07:13.021Z] - [error] - - [13/Nov/2024:19:07:13 +0000] "POST /fireedge/api/vn/allocate/ HTTP/1.1" 404 127 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36"
oneadmin@opennebular-1:/var/log/one$ tail -f fireedge.error 
    at matchLayer (/usr/lib/one/fireedge/node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:574:18)
    at next (/usr/lib/one/fireedge/node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:220:15)
    at jsonParser (/usr/lib/one/fireedge/node_modules/body-parser/lib/types/json.js:110:7)
    at Layer.handle [as handle_request] (/usr/lib/one/fireedge/node_modules/express/lib/router/layer.js:95:5)
    at trim_prefix (/usr/lib/one/fireedge/node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:317:13)
    at /usr/lib/one/fireedge/node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:284:7
    at Function.process_params (/usr/lib/one/fireedge/node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:335:12)
[2024-11-Nov 4, 2024 12:54:11] [Connection 16]  Closing connection with error:  1000
[2024-11-Nov 7, 2024 19:34:38] [Connection 17]  Closing connection with error:  1001
[2024-11-Nov 12, 2024 19:01:10] [Connection 18]  Closing connection with error:  1001

One item I just noticed (I’m still learning…). I didn’t configure the creation of new network via CLI properly. I gave vxlan and not ovswitch_vxlan as type (VN_MAD).

This doesn’t change the WebUI regression as its still broken, but wanted to clarify the proper workaround on cli is:

oneadmin@opennebular-1:~$ onevnet create ./ovswitch-vxlan.conf  --cluster onprem-cluster-laas-1a
ID: 24
oneadmin@opennebular-1:~$ cat ./ovswitch-vxlan.conf
NAME    = "laas-datalink-ovsvxlan"
VN_MAD  = "ovswitch_vxlan"
PHYDEV  = "enp94s0f1"

My test on old WebuI (port 80) was indeed on open-vswitch vxlan. (I double checked). It works there as well.