Unable to delete group users / default vdc

It’s currently not possible to delete the group “users” or to delete the default VDC. Is this by design? And if so, why? If I would want to lock down an opennebula system from scratch this default group / VDC is in my way. By default new users are added to the group users, etc. I would like to be able to set a new “default” group where users would be deployed other than “users”


Yes, the default group and vdc cannot be deleted by design. The reason is that new users need a default group, and new groups need a default VDC. If we allowed you to delete these resources, then you would need to provide a new default somewhere. And that would require a few api calls, OCA, CLI, sunstone methods, etc.

Instead our approach is that the default “users” group and the default VDC can be customized. What would you gain replacing the “users” group with a new default group, if the “users” group can already be customized?
