Fireedge roadmap (missing/planned features)?

Hello all,

is there any roadmap of features to be added to Fireedge Sunstone? I have configured FE on my ONe 6.6.0 CE for my users on another port alongside the production Sunstone, so that they can play with it. So far we found the following problems which I consider important:

  • in the user settings tab I can see SSH keys, but if I am not missing anything, no way to set/edit user context variables (like CRYPTED_PASSWORD_BASE64, etc)

  • the state of Fireedge page is not reflected in the URL bar. For example, when we want to refer to a particular VM from our monitoring system, and want to send a notification to the VM owner, we include URL to it in the form. This way user can directly follow the link to that particular VM page. Is it planned also in FE?

  • I would like to have more compact view with more rows in the same page. In my current 2560x1600 screen there are only 10 VMs, 10 hosts, etc. displayed by FE, while the current Sunstone can fit about 40 to the same screen.

  • when I try to instantiate a generic VM template, modifying only the network which is attached to (in fact, attaching its only NIC to a particular address reservation block inside the same VNET), in the current Sunstone I click to “Network”, “(the name of preconfigured VNET)”, then the list of available VNETs opens, I click on a different VNET/reservation, and then to “Instantiate”. That’s it. Three additional clicks to use a different network. In FE, there is a multi-step dialog with security groups, QoS, and whatnot, my reservation block is not even in the first five VNETs displayed, so I have to click on the right “Next” button from several ones in the page, and after I select a different VNET and deselect the default VNET, finally the instantiation fails with

[one.template.instantiate] User [2] : User Template includes a restricted attribute NIC.

  • when I instantiate a VM template as is without choosing a different VNET, and after clicking on “Finish” in the instantiation process, I immediately open the list of VMs and click on the row of that newly created VM, I get a red “Not found” error message. When I do the same and wait a few seconds, it works as expected.

  • when I try to “Terminate hard” a VM (as a non-oneadmin user), the pop-up dialog says VM 7309 F38 test is currently running on Host -- and Datastore --Do you want proceed?. Indeed there should be a confirmation dialog, but why include the Host and Datastore (with no meaningful values filled in)?

Is this the right place and time to post feedback on Fireedge?



Thanks Yenya for this amazing feedback!! This is definitely the right place. Let us mull over this for some time, and we will back with our answers on this.

Hi Yenya,

we’ve created an issue for this

added as an advanced task (low priority)

added this to a generic overall style review ticket

these are solved already in master, if you have the time to compile it and check we’d appreciate confirmation.

Again, thanks a lot for the feedback! Indeed this is the right time

@tinova: sorry, I did not have time to compile the master yet.

I have another set of nice-to-have items:

  • I cannot see the log of the VM anywhere in the new UI
  • I don’t know how to find a VM if I know the IPv6 address allocated to it by ONe (in the current Sunstone, the list of VMs contains all the addresses)

Thanks for considering also these.


Hi Yenya,

I cannot see the log of the VM anywhere in the new UI

This has been postponed. In HA environments this is tricky since it involves syncing the filesystem, as changes in the leader will write logs in a different server. We’ll reevaluate this at a later point, but not before deprecating the old ruby sunstone. meanwhile the only alternative is to ssh into the front-end

I don’t know how to find a VM if I know the IPv6 address allocated to it by ONe (in the current Sunstone, the list of VMs contains all the addresses)

Haven’t tried this myself, but searching for the IP helps?