Opennebula 6.10 CE - VM logs and Network Topology options missing in Fireedge

Versions of the related components and OS (frontend, hypervisors, VMs):
6.10 CE KVM

Steps to reproduce:
No steps, just a question about missing options in 6.10

Current results:
Fireedge 6.10 is missing VM logs and Network Topology options but they are available in Sunstone 6.10.

Expected results:
VM logs and Network Topology options available in Fireedge 6.10

The errors are from a Minio marketplace I’ve added to opennebula.
I created a marketplace app from one of my images but I made an error when defining the marketplace template as showing. (first time trying)

This template and image was imported from my Minio marketplace, running template failed because of my error.
Investigating and fixing.