OpenNebula 6.10 Fireedge Missing Tabs

I just upgraded my cluster to version 6.10 CE. I saw in the documentation that Fireedge got a revamp and is supposed to have all of the tabs that the current Sunstone UI has, but I am not seeing it. Is there something I need to configure or enable in a file?

If I am logged in as “oneadmin” I can see everything, but if I am logged into it with an admin account (primary group for the account is “oneadmin”), I see the basics like in my screenshot below.

[root@OPENNEBULA ~]# onedb version
Shared: 6.10.0
Local: 6.10.0
Required shared version: 6.10.0
Required local version: 6.10.0

And just to confirm my admin access. Here is what I should see in Fireedge that I only see in Sunstone as my admin account:

Check if you have the tab configuration files. you can compare the files you have in /etc/one/fireedge/sunstone with what is here.

Everything is the same.
I rebooted my server again. For whatever reason, my access on the new GUI is just fine without making any new changes. Before I only saw “user” and “cloud” as my views. Now it shows all like the old GUI did.