Limit vmware disk resize

is it possible to limit disk resize? same way you can limit cpu or memory in a template, can you somehow limit disk resize?

thank you

Hello @Liorme,

Please take a look at our documentation: Managing Virtual Machines Instances — OpenNebula 6.6.2 documentation

If you can’t solve your doubt there, please let us know.


thank you. i have went over this, but i can’t find a reference that is limiting the size of disk that can be adjusted

Hi @Liorme ,

There is no way to limit the max size of a disk resize, other than using storage quotas. What you can do is to remove the ability to do a disk-resize for your users. Let me know if this is acceptable and I’ll provide hints on how to achieve it.

ok, thank you. it would be a nice feature to make :slight_smile:

Please open a feature request in GitHub - OpenNebula/one: The open source Cloud & Edge Computing Platform bringing real freedom to your Enterprise Cloud 🚀 so we can consider its inclusion in upcoming releases