I installed a new Open Nebula server with a clean instalation of vsphere 5.5 ESXI, with vsphere 5.5 vcenter and vonecloud 3.0.3
I deployed ova, configure network and in sunstone, import Hosts, and clusters, datastores and Virtual network.
All its ok.
But i get one erros when i try to import VM Templates
I get the list of templates, select templates and when i try to import, i get a message:
It appears there was a server exception. Please check server’s log.
When i use CLI :
onevcenter templates --vcenter xxx --vuser yyy --vpass zzz
- VM Template found:
- Name : Template_CentOS7
- Cluster : CLUSTER_OPB
- Location : _Templates/Linux
Import this VM template (y/[n])? y
For faster deployment operations and lower disk usage, OpenNebula can create new VMs as linked clones.
Would you like to use Linked Clones with VMs based on this template (y/[n])? n
Do you want to specify a folder where the deployed VMs based on this template will appear in vSphere’s VM and Templates section?
If no path is set, VMs will be placed in the same location where the template lives.
Please specify a path using slashes to separate folders e.g /Management/VMs or press Enter to use defaults:
The existing disks and networks in the template are being imported, please be patient…
There was an error trying to create a virtual network to repesent a vCenter network for a VM or VM Template. Reason: ManagedObjectNotFound: The object has already been deleted or has not been completely created
I redeployed the ova 3.0.4 and this morning; 3.0.5.
Same issues…
Please help me
Thanks in advance